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Rabbi Shmuel's Newsletter for week of 1 October 2023


Kabbalah Thought for this week

"The Kabbalists believe that the motivation for sharing should never be based upon moral and ethical principles. Instead, the age-old What's in it for me? attitude is a far better motivator. The more we give of ourselves, the more the Light The Creator bestows upon us. This is a simple principle to understand, but one that requires extraordinary character to apply."


-Office Hours

-This week’s 10-Minute


-Candle Lighting Times for Shabbat (Ontario, CA)

-Shabbat Services



This is an overview of upcoming events. Details of each event are below

Monday, 2 October 2023-Torah Study

Thursday, 5 October 2023-Judaic Studies

Friday & Saturday, 6 & 7 October 2023-This week's Shabbat & Shemini Atzeret Services

Saturday Evening & Sunday, 7 & 8 October 2023-Simchat Torah Services

Monday, 9 October 2023-Torah Study

Thursday, 12 October 2023-Judaic Studies

Friday & Saturday, 13 & 14 October 2023-Shabbat Services

Sunday, 15 October 2023-Hebrew School

Monday, 16 October 2023-Torah Study

Thursday, 19 October 2023-Judaic Studies

Friday & Saturday, 20 & 21 October 2023-Shabbat Services

*For your information, I have included below my schedule, including office hours for the next two weeks and specific classes in which I am involved.

**For your convenience and information, Zoom links will be provided in separate emails for security purposes.

***I continue to update our Mi Sheberach מי שברך list for those in need of healing. For your convenience, I am attaching this revised list to this email that only goes to members of Temple Sholom of Ontario. Thank you.

Office Hours for the next few weeks:

Going forward, I am planning on conducting Hebrew School from my office and making Sunday an office day to be more available.

Sunday, October 1, 2023 9:00am - 2:00pm Sukkot II Services

Monday, October 2, 2023 9:00am - 2:00pm

Friday, October 6, 2023 2:00pm - 7:00pm (Friday Night Shabbat/Shemini Atzeret Ma'ariv @ 7:30pm)

Sunday, October 8, 2023 9:00am - 2:00pm Simchat Torah Services

Thursday, October 12, 2023 1:00pm - 7:00pm (Board Meeting @ 7:00pm)

Friday, October 13, 2023 2:00pm - 7:00pm (Friday Night Shabbat/Ma'ariv @ 7:30pm)

Sunday, October 15, 2023 9:00am - 2:00pm Hebrew School

Monday, October 16, 2023 9:00am - 2:00pm

Friday, October 20, 2023 2:00pm - 7:00pm (Friday Night Shabbat/Ma'ariv @ 7:30pm)

(Subject to change. Please call for appointments)

This week's 10-Minute Torah (7 October 2023): Parashat Shmini Atzeret & Simchat Torah 5784

Adult Torah Study Class

Next Session: Monday, October 2 at 7:30 pm PT

Zoom Links sent in separate email Monday morning. Please reply if you do not receive them.

Parashat Sukkot 2023 / סוּכּוֹת 5784

Feast of Booths 🌿🍋

Sukkot for Hebrew Year 5784 begins at sundown on Friday, 29 September 2023 and ends at nightfall on Friday, 6 October 2023.

Shmini Atzeret 2023 / שְׁמִינִי עֲצֶרֶת 5784

Eighth Day of Assembly ✡️

Shmini Atzeret for Hebrew Year 5784 begins at sundown on Friday, 6 October 2023 and ends at nightfall on Saturday, 7 October 2023.

Shemini Atzeret (שמיני עצרת - “the Eighth [day] of Assembly”) is a Jewish holiday. It is celebrated on the 22nd day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei (first month of calendar). In the Diaspora, an additional day is celebrated, the second day being separately referred to as Simchat Torah. In Israel and Reform Judaism, the holidays of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah are combined into a single day and the names are used interchangeably.

Shmini Atzeret (on Shabbat) / שְׁמִינִי עֲצֶרֶת Saturday, 7 October 2023 / 22 Tishrei 5784

Simchat Torah 2023 / שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה 5784

Day of Celebrating the Torah ✡️

Simchat Torah for Hebrew Year 5784 begins at sundown on Saturday, 7 October 2023 and ends at nightfall on Sunday, 8 October 2023.

Simchat Torah or Simḥath Torah (also Simkhes Toreh, Hebrew: שִׂמְחַת תורָה, lit., “Rejoicing with/of the Torah,”) is a celebration marking the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle. Simchat Torah is a component of the Biblical Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret (“Eighth Day of Assembly”), which follows immediately after the festival of Sukkot in the month of Tishrei (mid-September to early October on the Gregorian calendar).

Erev Simchat Torah / עֶרֶב שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה Saturday, 7 October 2023 / 23 Tishrei 5784

Simchat Torah / שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה Sunday, 8 October 2023 / 23 Tishrei 5784

Judaic Studies

Next session: Thursday, October 5, 2023 @ 7:30pm

In Judaic Studies next Thursday, October 5, we will be discussing Chaim Grade’s story “My Quarrel with Hersh Rasseyner.” It is on pages 624-651 in the Howe-Greenberg Treasury of Yiddish Stories. I attach the story as a PDF file.

It’s 27 pages, so probably you want to start reading it sooner rather than later.

You may be interested to know that this story is the basis of a 1992 film, “The Quarrel,” which I saw in L. A. (and which I do not think did the story justice). If you’re interested, here’s a link to a New York Times review of the film.

Looking forward to our discussion – tonight’s discussion was amazing, let’s do it again!

Sukkot 2023 / סוּכּוֹת 5784

Feast of Booths 🌿🍋

Sukkot for Hebrew Year 5784 begins at sundown on Friday, 29 September 2023 and ends at nightfall on Friday, 6 October 2023.

Sukkot (Hebrew: סוכות or סֻכּוֹת, sukkōt, or sukkos, Feast of Booths, Feast of Tabernacles) is a Biblical holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei (late September to late October). It is one of the three biblically mandated festivals Shalosh regalim on which Jews were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem.

Shabbat/Sukkot Times for Ontario, California, USA

Candle lighting / הדלקת נרות Friday, October 66:10 – 6:10pm

Candle lighting / הדלקת נרות Saturday, October 77:04 – 7:04pm

Havdalah (50 min) / הבדלה - 50 דקות Saturday, October 87:03 – 7:03pm

Upcoming Services

Shabbat/Sh'mini Atzeret Ma'ariv Service Friday, October 6, 2023 @ 7:30 pm

Shabbat/Sh'mini Atzeret Shachrit Service Saturday, October 7, 2023 @ 9:30 am

Simchat Torah Ma'ariv Service Saturday, October 7, 2023 @ 7:30 pm

Simchat Torah Shachrit Service Sunday, October 8, 2023 @ 9:30 am

Zoom Links sent in separate email Friday afternoon. Please reply if you do not receive them.

We are now incorporating guitar accompaniment with our Friday Night Shabbat Ma'ariv

Shmini Atzeret 2023 / שְׁמִינִי עֲצֶרֶת 5784

Eighth Day of Assembly ✡️

Shmini Atzeret for Hebrew Year 5784 begins at sundown on Friday, 6 October 2023 and ends at nightfall on Saturday, 7 October 2023.

Shemini Atzeret (שמיני עצרת - “the Eighth [day] of Assembly”) is a Jewish holiday. It is celebrated on the 22nd day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei (first month of calendar). In the Diaspora, an additional day is celebrated, the second day being separately referred to as Simchat Torah. In Israel and Reform Judaism, the holidays of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah are combined into a single day and the names are used interchangeably.

Shmini Atzeret (on Shabbat) / שְׁמִינִי עֲצֶרֶת Saturday, 7 October 2023 / 22 Tishrei 5784

1: Deuteronomy 14:22-29 · 8 p’sukim ·

2: Deuteronomy 15:1-18 · 18 p’sukim ·

3: Deuteronomy 15:19-23 · 5 p’sukim ·

4: Deuteronomy 16:1-3 · 3 p’sukim ·

5: Deuteronomy 16:4-8 · 5 p’sukim ·

6: Deuteronomy 16:9-12 · 4 p’sukim ·

7: Deuteronomy 16:13-17 · 5 p’sukim ·

maf: Numbers 29:35-30:1 · 6 p’sukim ·

Haftarah: I Kings 8:54-66 · 13 p’sukim

Simchat Torah 2023 / שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה 5784

Day of Celebrating the Torah ✡️

Simchat Torah for Hebrew Year 5784 begins at sundown on Saturday, 7 October 2023 and ends at nightfall on Sunday, 8 October 2023.

Simchat Torah or Simḥath Torah (also Simkhes Toreh, Hebrew: שִׂמְחַת תורָה, lit., “Rejoicing with/of the Torah,”) is a celebration marking the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle. Simchat Torah is a component of the Biblical Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret (“Eighth Day of Assembly”), which follows immediately after the festival of Sukkot in the month of Tishrei (mid-September to early October on the Gregorian calendar).

Erev Simchat Torah / עֶרֶב שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה Saturday, 7 October 2023 / 23 Tishrei 5784

Torah Portion: Deuteronomy 33:1-17

1: Deuteronomy 33:1-7 · 7 p’sukim ·

2: Deuteronomy 33:8-12 · 5 p’sukim ·

3: Deuteronomy 33:13-17 · 5 p’sukim ·

Simchat Torah / שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה Sunday, 8 October 2023 / 23 Tishrei 5784

1: Deuteronomy 33:1-7 · 7 p’sukim ·

2: Deuteronomy 33:8-12 · 5 p’sukim ·

3: Deuteronomy 33:13-17 · 5 p’sukim ·

4: Deuteronomy 33:18-21 · 4 p’sukim ·

5: Deuteronomy 33:22-26 · 5 p’sukim ·

6: Deuteronomy 33:27-34:12 · 15 p’sukim ·

7: Genesis 1:1-2:3 · 34 p’sukim ·

maf: Numbers 29:35-30:1 · 6 p’sukim ·

Haftarah: Joshua 1:1-18 · 18 p’sukim

Hebrew School at Temple Sholom of Ontario

Hebrew School is starting up again on Sundays on October 15!

Watch this space for more information on the dates and times and the new format.

High Holidays: Venue for services

Sukkot Shaharit 2 Sunday, October 1, 2023 9:30am – 12:15pm

Shaharit Shmini Atzeret/Yizkor Saturday, October 7, 2023 9:30am – 12:15pm

Erev Simhat Torah Saturday, October 7, 2023 7:30pm – 9:00pm

**Shaharit Simhat Torah Sunday, October 8, 2023 9:30pm – 12:15pm

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