Kabbalah Thought for this week

"Rabbi Elazar comments that the apparent frustrations and disappointments of life are in fact blessings in disguise. He calls them 'holy and necessary', because they establish the limits with whcih we can find authentic happiness. 'The sun also rises and the sun goes down'. This is how we overcome inner weaknesses that impede our progress toward the Light."
From the Talmud

A person should always...pray for success to the One to Whom wealth and property belong, as ultimately there is no trade that does not include both poverty and wealth, since a person can become rich from any profession. Poverty does not come from a particular trade, nor does wealth come from a particular trade, but rather, all is in accordance with a person’s merit. Therefore, one should choose a clean and easy trade, and pray to God for success.
-Office Hours
-This week’s 10-Minute
-Candle Lighting Times for Shabbat (Ontario, CA)
-Shabbat Services

This is an overview of upcoming events. Details of each event are below
Sunday, 5 November 2023-Daylight Savings Time ends
Sunday, 5 November 2023-Hebrew School
Monday, 6 November 2023-Torah Study
Thursday, 9 November 2023-Board Meeting
Friday & Saturday, 10 & 11 November 2023-Shabbat Services
Sunday, 12 November 2023-In-Person Hebrew School
Monday, 13 November 2023-Torah Study
Thursday, 16 November 2023-Judaic Studies
Friday & Saturday, 17 & 18 November 2023-Shabbat Services
Sunday, 19 November 2023-Hebrew School
Monday, 20 November 2023-Torah Study
Thursday, 23 November 2023-Thanksgiving
Friday & Saturday, 24 & 25 November 2023-Shabbat Services
*For your information, I have included below my schedule, including office hours for the next two weeks and specific classes in which I am involved.
**For your convenience and information, Zoom links will be provided in separate emails for security purposes.
***I continue to update our Mi Sheberach מי שברך list for those in need of healing. For your convenience, I am attaching this revised list to this email that only goes to members of Temple Sholom of Ontario. Thank you.
Office Hours for the next few weeks:
Going forward, I am planning on conducting Hebrew School from my office and making Sunday an office day to be more available.

Sunday, November 5, 2023 9:00am - 2:00pm (Hebrew School 10:00am - 11:30am)
Monday, November 6, 2023 9:00am - 2:00pm
Friday, November 10, 2023 2:00pm - 7:30pm (Friday Night Shabbat Ma'ariv @ 7:30pm)
Sunday, November 12, 2023 9:00am - 2:00pm (In -Person Hebrew School 10:00am - 12:00pm)
Monday, November 13, 2023 9:00am - 2:00pm
Friday, November 17, 2023 2:00pm - 7:30pm (Friday Night Shabbat Ma'ariv @ 7:30pm)
Sunday, November 19, 2023 9:00am - 2:00pm (Hebrew School 10:00am - 11:30am)
Monday, November 20, 2023 9:00am - 2:00pm
Friday, November 24, 2023 2:00pm - 7:30pm (Friday Night Shabbat Ma'ariv @ 7:30pm)
(Subject to change. Please call for appointments)

Did everyone remember?
Daylight Saving Time ends
Sunday, November 5 at 02:00am

Adult Torah Study Class
Next Session: Monday, November 6 at 7:30 pm PT
Zoom Links sent in separate email Monday morning. Please reply if you do not receive them.

Parashat Chayei Sara 5784 / פָּרָשַׁת חַיֵּי שָֹרָה
11 November 2023 / 27 Cheshvan 5784

Parashat Chayei Sara is the 5th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.
Torah Portion: Genesis 23:1-25:18
Chayei Sarah (“The Life of Sarah”) opens as Sarah dies and Abraham buys the Cave of Machpelah to bury her. Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for Isaac. The servant meets Rebecca at a well, and Rebecca returns with the servant to marry Isaac. Abraham remarries, has more children, and dies at age 175. [1]
Triennial year 2
1: 24:10-14 · 5 p’sukim ·
2: 24:15-20 · 6 p’sukim ·
3: 24:21-26 · 6 p’sukim ·
4: 24:27-33 · 7 p’sukim ·
5: 24:34-41 · 8 p’sukim ·
6: 24:42-49 · 8 p’sukim ·
7: 24:50-52 · 3 p’sukim ·
maf: 24:50-52 · 3 p’sukim ·
Haftarah: I Kings 1:1-31 · 31 p’sukim
Commentary and Divrei Torah
Hertz Chumash: pp. 83 – 86 Triennial Year 2 (Full Kriyah pp. 80 – 89)
Artscroll Chumash: pp. 110 – 119 Triennial Year 2 (Full Kriyah pp. 106 – 123)
Etz Chaim Chumash: pp. 132 – 137 Triennial Year 2 (Full Kriyah pp. 127 – 141)
Judaic Studies
Next session: Thursday, November 16, 2023 @ 7:30pm

Judaic Studies is now reading the Book of Job. On October 26 we discussed Chapters 1 and 2. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, November 16, 7:30 PM on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent out close to that date, on which we’ll continue with Chapter 3 and as much of chapters 4-6 as we can cover (There’s no class on November 2 because Sandy and Judy are leaving town, and no class on November 9 because of the Temple Sholom Board meeting).
Reading ahead of time is not required to join the class! But if you want to read the text, attached to this email are two PDF files: One contains chapters 1-3 of Job, and the other contains chapters 4-6.
And here’s a link to the whole book of Job on the Sefaria website: https://www.sefaria.org/Job.1?lang=bi
Also you’ll find the Book of Job in any Bible you have access to.
If you want to read about Job from a well-regarded Jewish source, here’s a link to a short article from “My Jewish Learning.” https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-book-of-job/
And for a good discussion, please join us on November 16.
Shabbat Times for Ontario, California, USA
🕯️ Candle lighting / הדלקת נרות Friday, November 10⋅4:32 – 4:32pm
✨ Havdalah (50 min) / הבדלה - 50 דקות Saturday, November 11⋅5:28 – 5:28pm
Powered by Hebcal Shabbat Times

Upcoming Services
Shabbat Ma'ariv Service Friday, November 10, 2023 @ 7:30 pm
Shabbat Shachrit Service Saturday, November 11, 2023 @ 9:30 am
Zoom Links sent in separate email Friday afternoon. Please reply if you do not receive them.

We are now incorporating guitar accompaniment with our Friday Night Shabbat Ma'ariv

Parashat Chayei Sara 5784 / פָּרָשַׁת חַיֵּי שָֹרָה
11 November 2023 / 27 Cheshvan 5784
Parashat Chayei Sara is the 5th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.
Torah Portion: Genesis 23:1-25:18
Chayei Sarah (“The Life of Sarah”) opens as Sarah dies and Abraham buys the Cave of Machpelah to bury her. Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for Isaac. The servant meets Rebecca at a well, and Rebecca returns with the servant to marry Isaac. Abraham remarries, has more children, and dies at age 175. [1]
Triennial year 2
1: 24:10-14 · 5 p’sukim ·
2: 24:15-20 · 6 p’sukim ·
3: 24:21-26 · 6 p’sukim ·
4: 24:27-33 · 7 p’sukim ·
5: 24:34-41 · 8 p’sukim ·
6: 24:42-49 · 8 p’sukim ·
7: 24:50-52 · 3 p’sukim ·
maf: 24:50-52 · 3 p’sukim ·
Haftarah: I Kings 1:1-31 · 31 p’sukim
Commentary and Divrei Torah
Hertz Chumash: pp. 83 – 86 Triennial Year 2 (Full Kriyah pp. 80 – 89)
Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Kislev
Saturday, November 11

Molad Kislev: Mon, 17 minutes and 2 chalakim after 7:00
In-Person Hebrew School at Temple Sholom of Ontario
Sunday, November 12, 2023 10:00am - 11:30am

Join us at the synagogue for our monthly live learning. There will be music and singing, and activities for your children. We will also meet with the adults for a special in-preson, on-site learning.
Rosh Chodesh Kislev 2023 / רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ כִּסְלֵו 5784
Start of month of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar 🌒

Rosh Chodesh Kislev for Hebrew Year 5784 begins at sundown on Monday, 13 November 2023 and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, 14 November 2023.
Start of month of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar. Kislev (כִּסְלֵו) is the 9th month of the Hebrew year, has 30 or 29 days, and corresponds to November or December on the Gregorian calendar. רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ, transliterated Rosh Chodesh or Rosh Hodesh, is a minor holiday that occurs at the beginning of every month in the Hebrew calendar. It is marked by the birth of a new moon.
Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, November 23

Next Miller Course
We are planning our next Miller Course to start tentatively in January 2024.
Stay tuned for more information.
